By: Brian DeVault

A software-defined wide-area network, is a revolutionary approach towards business networking. In other words, Managed SD-WAN Services for Business simplifies the management and operations of a traditional WAN by creating software overlay that functions independently of the connectivity layer of the network.
The core of this software is SDN or Software Defined Networking. This separates the control layer and the data layer within the underlying infrastructure, abstracting control so the infrastructure can be automated and programmed from a common controller via software. Therefore, SD-WAN takes the principles of SDN and applies them to the Wide Area Network. The WAN is the highway that interconnects enterprise resources to each other.
Most importantly, this approach simplifies having multiple different networks. The networks are then converted into one common encrypted network managed by software. SD-WAN allows better network performance and dramatically approves the availability and user experience by intelligently leveraging multiple paths. For a more in depth and visual representation of SD-WAN, check out our YouTube video here:
Why Is SD-WAN Critical for Enabling Business Continuity?
Managed SD-WAN solutions deliver a secure, reliable, cost effective solution for business connectivity.
Over the past few months, we have learned just how important business continuity is. With many companies encouraging employees to work from home for the remainder of 2020, enabling business continuity is a topic at the top of decision makers minds right now. Many companies already saw the need for SD-WAN and implemented the advantages before the pandemic.
The SD-WAN Market Growth Is Exploding
In 2019, the SD-WAN market reached approximately $1.5 billion in revenue. It is set to reach almost $2.2 billion by 2020 according to research by Futuriom. SD-WAN provides flexible, scalable and secure connectivity that is critical for companies managing access between offices and multiple clouds in a hybrid environment.
The Software Defined Wide Area Network allows better visibility and centralized management of the network. Remote workers accessing company resources, such as cloud-based collaboration tools and other software-as-a-service (SaaS), can be supported by this revolutionary approach.
With the continued push toward remote working, geographically distributed enterprises should consider SD-WAN to allow businesses to become more agile, enhance business productivity, security and significantly lower costs.
Currently, the global business community is experiencing a significant challenge. Technology will continue to play an important role in our daily working lives, keeping business going, and keeping employees productive and connected from home.
NETRIO Can Build A Customized Solution For Your Business
To learn more about this business transforming technology, fill out the contact form here. We take the time to understand your network environment and the unique needs of your business – no matter the size. We build a customized solution designed specifically for you, making appropriate recommendations that won’t disrupt business continuity.