By: Brian DeVault
A Network Operations Center, or NOC “pronounced knock” is a centralized facility where IT professionals have the power and tools to monitor, manage, and respond to alerts when critical network components go down or become degraded. A NOC is a combination of software tools (monitors and alerts), people (IT Professionals), and equipment (Computers, Flat Panel Monitors on the Walls, Redundant Networks) combined to maintain optimal network conditions.
*Note: Think about the internet as a good example of one of these networks that a NOC monitors. If there is congestion on the internet, or a major link gone down somewhere in the world, a NOC knows about it, and is working on resolving it.

What does a Network Operations Center do?
A NOC, employs software tools to monitor technology assets. These software tools use protocols (think languages) such as SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) to talk to devices on the network, many times over the internet, to determine the status of a device, and report that status back to a centralized dashboard where IT professionals determine what action to needs to take place.
NOCs are important components in a Technology Service Provider or Large Enterprise approach towards IT management. By proactively monitoring electronic assets, it allows an organization to resolve issues proactively instead of reactively.
A technology service provider can also be referred to as an Application Service Provider (ASP); an Internet Service Provider (ISP); a Managed Service Provider (such as NETRIO); or a Managed Cybersecurity Services Provider (using Cyber Secure Plus). IT Professionals sometimes distinguish between service providers by categorizing them as Type I, II, or III. The three types of services providers that are recognized by the IT industry although specifically defined by ITIL and the US Telecommunications Act of 1996.
According to ConnectWise, NOC engineers and technicians are responsible for monitoring infrastructure health, security and capacity on a clients’ environment. They make decisions and adjustments to ensure optimal network performance and organizational productivity.
If you are looking for reliable NOC services or additional explanation of what they are, please don’t hesitate to reach out to NETRIO for more information.